T&A Construction
DC Settlement

File Your Claim

DC Office of the Attorney General
T&A Construction DC Settlement

The Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia reached a settlement with T&A Construction over allegations that the company violated District wage-and-hour laws. As part of the settlement, T&A Construction paid $225,000 to the District, of which $100,000 can be used to pay workers who worked for a T&A Construction subcontractor on T&A Construction job sites in Washington, DC and were classified as an independent contractor.

Construction workers who installed drywall on a T&A Construction project in Washington, DC from 2018 to 2021 can now file a claim for a share of the settlement.

Please note, if you owe taxes or child support to the District, your settlement award will be used to pay your debt. Before the OAG authorizes any payments to an eligible claimant, the D.C. Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall determine whether the claimant owes any amount to the District and will deduct the amount owed from the award to the claimant, if any. See D.C. Code ยง 1-301.86c(d).

Important Dates

Deadline to Claim Refund: July 31, 2024