Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the settlement.
If you do not find an answer to your question here, please contact us directly.
Here are answers to frequently asked questions about the settlement.
If you do not find an answer to your question here, please contact us directly.
The Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia reached a settlement with T&A Construction, over allegations that the company’s subcontractors violated District of Columbia wage-and-hour-laws by misclassifying workers as independent contractors when they should have been classified as employees. When workers are misclassified as independent contractors, they are denied rights that are entitled to employees, such as minimum wage, overtime, and paid sick leave.
If you are a construction worker who worked for a T&A Construction subcontractor and installed drywall on a T&A Construction project in Washington, D.C. at any time from 2018 to 2021 at one of the following jobsites:
and were classified as an independent contractor, you may be eligible for a share of the settlement fund.
You can file a claim form online by July 31, 2024.
T&A Construction paid $225,000 to the District to resolve allegations that its subcontractors misclassified workers as independent contractors when they should have been classified as employees under the District’s Workplace Fraud Act. The District will use $100,000 of these funds to make payments to affected workers.
T&A Construction also paid $125,000 in civil penalties to the District and will implement improved compliance measures.
For more information about the DC Attorney General’s case, visit and search for T&A Construction.
To ask for a settlement payment, you must complete and submit a Claim Form online by July 31, 2024.
To be eligible for a settlement payment, you must certify that you worked for a T&A Construction subcontractor on a T&A Construction jobsite in DC between 2018 and 2021, and were classified as an independent contractor.
You must also provide 1) a copy of a photo ID, and 2) a 1099 form or a paycheck showing that you worked for a T&A Construction subcontractor.
The Claims Administrator will initially decide whether the information provided on a Claim Form is complete and valid. Additional information may be requested from any claimant. If the required information is not provided in the time required, the claim will be considered invalid and will not be paid.
You can file a claim from now through July 31, 2024.
The deadline to file a claim form is July 31, 2024.
Eligible workers who file a valid claim form will receive a settlement payment of $1,000.00.
Please note, if you owe taxes or child support to the District, your settlement award will be used to pay your debt. Before the OAG authorizes any payments to an eligible claimant, the D.C. Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall determine whether the claimant owes any amount to the District and will deduct the amount owed from the award to the claimant, if any. See D.C. Code § 1-301.86c(d).
If you still have questions, you may call toll-free (855) 692-4572 to speak to the Claims Administrator, or email at
You can also write to the Claims Administrator with questions to:
T&A Construction DC Settlement
PO Box 2002
Chanhassen, MN, 55317-2002